We propose AstroSLAM, a standalone vision-based solution for autonomous online navigation around an unknown target small celestial body. AstroSLAM is predicated on the formulation of the SLAM problem as an incrementally growing factor graph, facilitated by the use of the GTSAM library and the iSAM2 engine. By combining sensor fusion with orbital motion priors, we achieve improved performance over a baseline SLAM solution. We incorporate orbital motion constraints into the factor graph by devising a novel relative dynamics factor, which links the relative pose of the spacecraft to the problem of predicting trajectories stemming from the motion of the spacecraft in the vicinity of the small body. We demonstrate the excellent performance of AstroSLAM using both real legacy mission imagery and trajectory data courtesy of NASA's Planetary Data System, as well as real in-lab imagery data generated on a 3 degree-of-freedom spacecraft simulator test-bed.
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Directed information (DI) is a fundamental measure for the study and analysis of sequential stochastic models. In particular, when optimized over input distributions it characterizes the capacity of general communication channels. However, analytic computation of DI is typically intractable and existing optimization techniques over discrete input alphabets require knowledge of the channel model, which renders them inapplicable when only samples are available. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel estimation-optimization framework for DI over discrete input spaces. We formulate DI optimization as a Markov decision process and leverage reinforcement learning techniques to optimize a deep generative model of the input process probability mass function (PMF). Combining this optimizer with the recently developed DI neural estimator, we obtain an end-to-end estimation-optimization algorithm which is applied to estimating the (feedforward and feedback) capacity of various discrete channels with memory. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to use the optimized PMF model to (i) obtain theoretical bounds on the feedback capacity of unifilar finite-state channels; and (ii) perform probabilistic shaping of constellations in the peak power-constrained additive white Gaussian noise channel.
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在过去的十年中,神经网络(NNS)已被广泛用于许多应用程序,包括安全系统,例如自主系统。尽管采用了新兴的采用,但众所周知,NNS容易受到对抗攻击的影响。因此,提供确保此类系统正常工作的保证非常重要。为了解决这些问题,我们介绍了一个修复不安全NNS W.R.T.的框架。安全规范,即利用可满足的模型理论(SMT)求解器。我们的方法能够通过仅修改其重量值的一些重量值来搜索新的,安全的NN表示形式。此外,我们的技术试图最大程度地提高与原始网络在其决策边界方面的相似性。我们进行了广泛的实验,以证明我们提出的框架能够产生安全NNS W.R.T.的能力。对抗性的鲁棒性特性,只有轻度的准确性损失(就相似性而言)。此外,我们将我们的方法与天真的基线进行比较,以证明其有效性。总而言之,我们提供了一种算法以自动修复具有安全性的算法,并建议一些启发式方法以提高其计算性能。当前,通过遵循这种方法,我们能够产生由分段线性relu激活函数组成的小型(即具有多达数百个参数)的小型(即具有多达数百个参数)。然而,我们的框架是可以合成NNS W.R.T.的一般框架。一阶逻辑规范的任何可决定片段。
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虽然神经辐射场(NERF)已经证明了令人印象深刻的视图合成结果对物体和小型空间区域的结果,但它们在“无界”场景上挣扎,其中相机可以在任何方向上点,并且内容在任何距离处都存在。在此设置中,现有的形式的类似形式模型通常会产生模糊或低分辨率渲染(由于附近和远处物体的不平衡细节和规模),慢慢训练,并且由于任务的固有歧义而可能表现出伪影从一小部分图像重建大场景。我们介绍了MIP-NERF(一个NERF变体,用于解决采样和混叠的NERF变体),其使用非线性场景参数化,在线蒸馏和基于新的失真的常规程序来克服无限性场景所呈现的挑战。我们的模型,我们将“MIP-NERF 360”为瞄准相机围绕一点旋转360度的瞄准场景,与MIP NERF相比将平均平方误差减少54%,并且能够产生逼真的合成视图和用于高度复杂,无限性的现实景区的详细深度图。
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我们介绍了一个自下而上的模型,用于同时在图像中找到许多边界元素,包括轮廓,角落和结。该模型在每个小贴片中使用包括M角度和自由移动顶点的“广义M-结”解释了每个小贴片中的边界形状。使用非凸优化进行分析图像,以在每个位置协同地发现M + 2个结值,其新颖的常规器强制强制执行,这些规则器在保持曲率的同时保持曲率和结。由此产生的“结区”同时是轮廓检测器,角/结检测器,以及区域外观的边界意识平滑。值得注意的是,其统一分析轮廓,角落,连接和均匀区域允许它在高噪声水平上成功,其中用于分割和边界检测的其他方法失败。
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